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Synaptic Systems(sysy)公司m6A抗体 202 003现货供应!乐博生物公司专业代理商!
m6A (N6-methyladenosine)Antibody against posttranscripitional modifications of RNAs
Fact Sheet Cat. No. 202 002, 202 003
Cat. No. 202 002crude antiserum | 200 ?l antiserum, lyophilized. For reconstitution add 200 ?l H2O, then aliquot and store at -20°C until use. |
Cat. No. 202 003purified antibody | 50 ?g specific antibody, lyophilized.Affinity purified with the immunogen. Rabbit serum albumin was addedfor stabilization. For reconstitution add 50 ?l H2O to get a 1mg/ml solution of antibody in PBS. Then aliquot and store at -20°C until use. |
Applications | WB: no IP: yes (see remarks) ICC: not tested yet IHC: not tested yet |
Immunogen | N6-methyladenosine fused to BSA. |
Reactivity | Human, rat, mouse, Xenopus laevis, eukaryotes, prokaryotes. |
Specificity | Specific for N6-metyladenosine (m6A). |
Remarks | IP: Human extracts or extracts from Xenopus laevis. Standard protocol provided with the product. |
Antibody against posttranscripitional modifications of RNAs
References SySy m6A antibodies
Xiao R& Moore DD (2011). DamIP: using mutant DNA adeninemethyltransferase to study DNA-protein interactions in vivo. CurrentProtocols in Molecular Biology 21.21.1-10. affinity purified antibody; IP Moore CL,Skolnik-David H & Sharp PA (1988). Sedimentation analysis ofpolyadenylation-specific complexes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 8:226-33. antiserum; IP Bringmann P& Lührmann R (1987). Antibodies specific for N6-methyladenosinereact with intact snRNPs U2 and U4/U6. FEBS Letter 213: 309-15.
本文链接: http://sysy.immuno-online.com/view-1456271784.html