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热烈庆祝北京乐博生物成为Synaptic Systems(sysy)公司中国代理商
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09

热烈庆祝北京乐博生物成为Synaptic Systems(sysy)公司中国代理商!

\"\"Synaptic Systems (www.sysy.com) 为神经科学家和细胞生物学科学家提供研究工具,力求为您在神经科学和细胞生物学访方面提供最好的抗体。我们与著名的科学家合作和销售他们的抗体。我们的抗体具有显著特点并以品质著称。 请情请见:www.sysy.com乐博公司作为Synaptic Systems(sysy)的中国代理商,努力为中国客户提供更好的产品、更快的到货服务、更专业的技术支持!

Synaptic Systems(sysy)公司m6A抗体 202 003现货供应!乐博生物公司专业代理商!

m6A (N6-methyladenosine)

Antibody against posttranscripitional modifications of RNAs

Fact Sheet Cat. No. 202 002, 202 003

Polyclonal rabbit antibody
Cat. No. 202 002crude antiserum200 ?l antiserum, lyophilized. For reconstitution add 200 ?l H2O, then aliquot and store at -20°C until use.
Cat. No. 202 003purified antibody50 ?g specific antibody, lyophilized.Affinity purified with the immunogen. Rabbit serum albumin was addedfor stabilization. For reconstitution add 50 ?l H2O to get a 1mg/ml solution of antibody in PBS. Then aliquot and store at -20°C until use.
ApplicationsWB: no IP: yes (see remarks) ICC: not tested yet IHC: not tested yet
ImmunogenN6-methyladenosine fused to BSA.
ReactivityHuman, rat, mouse, Xenopus laevis, eukaryotes, prokaryotes.
SpecificitySpecific for N6-metyladenosine (m6A).
RemarksIP: Human extracts or extracts from Xenopus laevis. Standard protocol provided with the product.

Antibody against posttranscripitional modifications of RNAs

References SySy m6A antibodies

Xiao R& Moore DD (2011). DamIP: using mutant DNA adeninemethyltransferase to study DNA-protein interactions in vivo. CurrentProtocols in Molecular Biology 21.21.1-10. affinity purified antibody; IP Moore CL,Skolnik-David H & Sharp PA (1988). Sedimentation analysis ofpolyadenylation-specific complexes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 8:226-33. antiserum; IP Bringmann P& Lührmann R (1987). Antibodies specific for N6-methyladenosinereact with intact snRNPs U2 and U4/U6. FEBS Letter 213: 309-15.


本文链接: http://sysy.immuno-online.com/view-1456271784.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()